Racism in the Margins is an antiracist pedagogical initiative that begins with the recognition that the margins of student papers are crucial spaces for interaction and learning. But the margins are also where instructors' (often unconscious) assumptions about language conventions, authority, and racial frames reveal themselves in ways that may be damaging for student writers.
For teachers, anti-racist efforts often begin with evaluating ourselves and embracing the discomfort of asking which of our habituated practices contribute to systems of oppression. The Racism in the Margins initiative assembles resources to do this essential interrogation of common practices in writing pedagogy. On this site, you'll find information about our February conference, our developing W (writing-intensive) course workshop and materials, narratives from students about racism in writing assessment, and a bibliography of research on antiracist writing pedagogy.
Racism in the Margins is generously funded by a UConn CLAS anti-racism grant.